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Richard Scruggs interviewed by Get Real Reality broadcaster at Envision'08; localreachllc; center for new ventures and entrepreneurship; cnve; leadership; get reel reality filming; richard scruggs; local reach; Texas A&M; business; marcus buckingham; entrepreneur; corporate; envision08; Conference; Two business women leaders describing their strengths.; entrepreneur; marcus buckingham; get reel reality filming; women in business; Conference; Recruiting; envision08; business; The people talk about what they think a business is all about.; entrepreneur; live event; Conference; Recruiting; smb; startup; business; Man describes his strengths in business.; get reel reality filming; live event; buckingham; startup; local reach; business; entrepreneur; strengths; Recruiting; smb; envision08; Man describes strengths in business.; get reel reality filming; live event; local reach; business; entrepreneur; marcus buckingham; corporate; Conference; Recruiting; envision08; Brad Hays from Bible in the Boardroom interview at envision'08.; localreachllc; leadership; get reel reality filming; conferences; christian business leadership; christian content; marcus buckingham; corporate; bible in the boardroom; Recruiting; employee; envision08; Man describes his strengths in business.; get reel reality filming; live event; buckingham; startup; local reach; business; entrepreneur; strengths; Recruiting; smb; envision08; business man talking about being the best directly after marcus buckingham's presenation at envision'08; marcus buckingham; localreachllc; center for new ventures and entrepreneurship; get reel reality filming; conferences; buckingham; strengths; envision08; local reach; man talking about business networking at a conference; localreachllc; center for new ventures and entrepreneurship; cnve; get reel reality filming; local reach; business; entrepreneur; strengths; business networking; envision08; smb; Recruiting; Conference; man talking about envision'08 and the texas a&m center for new ventures and entrepreneurship and focusing on the customer; localreachllc; center for new ventures and entrepreneurship; cnve; get reel reality filming; richard scruggs; conferences; local reach; Texas A&M; business; marcus buckingham; entrepreneur; strengths; envision08; All Clean Videos, from events, festivals & conferences

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Announcing Christain Entertainment Festival, November 2008

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The making of new webTV shows, unedited, unscripted from cut to cut, tfrom one camera angle, exactly how it was shot...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Citizens News

I just posted my thoughts about how all media should be delivered by the citizens and that they should be paid for it! @themediaishirin posted this link on twitter and I love what they're doing -- and it needed to be shard. Enjoy!
clipped from

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It’s a marketplace where independent reporters, community members and news organizations
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